Young Gun Dog Training

Young Gun Dog Training is an art. A skill set that takes time to read a young dog to know when to apply pressure or not. Hoping to never apply pressure that the dog has a lot of natural birdy and retrieving talent bred into him/her. When training beyond foundation obedience, this is the area of training where one can make the mistakes and create a gun shy dog, a hard mouthed dog or create a mechanical retrieving dog that doesn’t desire the job in the least.
In the hunting game. Not scared of the shot. Understanding ‘place’ is where they start and where they return. Steady? NO. That would be training negative in a young dog when we want that dog to be coming out of his/her skin to go get the bird and proud of returning the bird to its master. If you desire your young dog to also be steady, try a different trainer. I believe steady is trained after first season of hunting.Training is simple. Go get the bird and come back with the bird w clean delivery to hand. Eager to play.
I have trained over 500-600 young gun dogs since 2008.